Creede Dining

We hope this list of Creede Dining Restaurants will help you find where you are going to eat your next meal in the wonderful town of Creede!

All of these restaurants are located in Creede, Colorado, 81130, unless maked with ** then the restaurant is found in between Creede and South Fork and has a South Fork, Colorado 81154.

Name Cuisine Price Address Phone
#1 Old Firehouse Restaurant American $ 123 N. Main 719-658-0212
4UR Elegant $$$ 1.0 Goose Creek Rd 719-658-2202
Antlers Lodge & Restaurant Elegant $$$ 26222 Hwy 149 719-658-2423
BBQ Bistro at Tommyknocker Tavern BBQ and sandwiches $ 107 Wall St 719-658-0138
**Blue Creek Lodge American $$ 11682 Hwy 149 719-658-2479
Big 6 BBQ BBQ $ 680 Main St 719-658-2228
Cafe Ole American $ 112 N. Main 719-658-2880
Cascada Bar & Grill Mexican $$ 981 La Garita Ave 719-658-1033
Cottonwood Cove American $$ 13046 Hwy 149/td> 719-658-2242
Creede Hotel & Restaurant American Lunch-$, Dinner-$$$ 120 N. Main 719-658-2608
Kip's Grill Mexican $ 101 E. 5th St. 719-658-0220
MJ's Cafe American $ 801 La Garita St. 719-658-0340
Old Miner's Inn American $ 105 N. Main St. 719-658-2622

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